Where I left you

The past three years have been a rollercoaster of emotions and challenges for me. From the devastating loss of my husband followed by the Covid lockdown to navigating the complexities of single motherhood while being a small business owner, life has thrown its share of obstacles my way. Amidst it all, finding the time and strength to return to blogging has been a struggle. But here I am, ready to reconnect with you, my readers, and share the updates on my life.

My son and I have embarked on a long journey of heart healing. Therapy has played a crucial role in our lives, providing a safe space for both of us to express and process our emotions surrounding our loss. Our therapist has been a true blessing, offering guidance and support. It warms my heart to see my son opening up in ways he couldn’t before, and witnessing his growth and resilience fills me with pride. Together, we are navigating this sometimes lonely journey of motherhood, one step at a time.

Incredible as it may seem, my son, Maxwell, has completed first grade and is now ready to embark on his second-grade adventure. The passing of time brings a mix of emotions, but seeing him grow and thrive fills me with hope and joy. Witnessing his enthusiasm for learning and the way he embraces new experiences is a constant reminder of the resilience of children.

While balancing the demands of motherhood and my role as the owner of Mama Vibes Coffee and Mama Drip, I felt a calling to delve into the realm of healing. I have recently become a certified Reiki practitioner and established my own practice called Lemon and Lavender Healing. Healing has become an integral part of my life, and responding to this calling to become a healer myself feels like a natural progression. By combining my passion for nurturing others and the transformative power of Reiki, I am embarking on a new chapter filled with opportunities to support and uplift others.

As I reflect on the challenges, growth, and exciting developments in my life, I am grateful for the unwavering support of my readers and the strength I have found within myself. The journey may be arduous at times, but with each step, I am reminded of the power of healing, resilience, and the capacity for personal and professional growth. Thank you for being a part of my journey, and I look forward to sharing more with you as we navigate life’s twists and turns together.

I love you so much,


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